Report by Bill Theide, GA Chapter
The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, Celebrated his 50th birthday over the weekend at a Southern California McDonalds Playplace. Jackson reportedly rented out the entire restaurant and gave local children $10,000 each to attend. The children, who were almost entirely young boys, were hand selected by Jackson and even allowed to spend some “special alone time” with the pop star behind the ball pit.
Longtime friends of Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor and Liza Minnelli were in attendance along with Idaho Senator Larry Craig and Snack Cake icon, Twinkie the Kid. Said Taylor, “It was so kitsch eating Happy Meals with the little kids, but great seeing Michael rolling around with the boys, squealing, grabbing, and having fun ... I haven’t seen Michael that happy since his time with Webster.
Oh thats just wrong... twinkies are just so eugh!
I don't even know where to start. There are so many things wrong with this! Wait a minute! Are you messing with me?
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