Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ObamaCare To Promote Self-Medication, Suicide

Report by Janet Pennington-Davis, NY Chapter

President Barack Obama, who recently credited himself for “pulling our economy back from the brink” went on national television last week to plug a nationalized healthcare bill which many are calling ObamaCare.  Though neither the President nor any member of Congress have yet read the massive bill, Obama and key Democrats in both Houses are pushing passage of the bill before the American public has an opportunity to find out what is actually included in the healthcare plan.

Despite falling approval ratings prompted by rising unemployment and exploding national deficits, the President has taken up the task of producing a deal on the healthcare legislation that, if passed, will make substantial changes in the way Americans experience health care.  For instance, the bill mandates that doctors encourage patients suffering with depression to “self-medicate” with alcohol in order to keep medication costs down.  In a speech to the Senate on Monday, Harry Reid (D-NV) hailed the self-medication provision as a “win-win for the American taxpayer.  Not only will taxpayers not have to pay for depressed people’s drugs, we will see higher tax revenue from increased sales of alcohol!”

An even more surprising aspect of the President’s healthcare plan is the promotion of assisted suicide for chronically ill patients.  In his address to the nation, Obama responded to a question about this controversial issue by saying, “With my plan, there will be a reduction in the number of sick people.  Assisted suicide is just one tool that will help us reach that goal, and fewer sick people is good thing.”

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Democrats Shocked to Learn Obama is White

Report by Sean Jensen, CT Chapter

Rich White Democrats across the country are bewildered, distraught, and even angry today upon learning from TMZ.com that President Barack Obama is actually White.  The Internet media outlet TMZ.com released shocking pictures this morning of Barack Obama frolicking on a beach with a portion of his lily white ass exposed.  The pictures, which TMZ has reportedly been in possession of for nearly a year, were released after Obama FCC appointee Michael Copps‘s recent proposal that the Federal Government regulate the content of media in all forms, including blogs and internet outlets, to ensure “positive, responsible, news and information.”

The pictures expose the fraud perpetrated on the American citizenry by Barack Obama, whom many rich White Democrats voted for to assuage their White guilt.  I would have followed Obama to his grave,” stated a furious Barbara Boxer (D-CA), “because it made me feel better about being rich and White.”  Ann Francis, a White Connecticut volunteer coordinator felt bamboozled by the revelation. “I vote for Obama because I grew up surrounded by Whites in an upscale neighborhood, I didn’t even meet an African American person until I was 23.” Francis wondered, “since Obama is White, and I therefore didn’t actually vote for an Afro-American, does this mean I’m still a racist?”  

The Obama Administration issued a statement saying only that “President Obama has never actually claimed to be Black” and that “any attempts to construe this information as deceit on the President’s part is only evidence of a Conservative media bias, the type of which would be addressed by Mr. Copps’s proposed regulation of media, which is why it is so vital that such regulations be passed as quickly as possible.”  The Rev. Al Sharpton responded to the news by saying, “It figures that the only way a Black man can get elected in this country is by being White!” 

Sunday, July 19, 2009

AoE Lookback: The Beginning

Featured Content by Thaddeus Stanley, Senior Publications Officer

The Army of Epiphenomenon was started in 1980 by a group of young, militant nogoodniks. The youths, having become disillusioned by the educational system that the government was providing “free of charge,” left high school and their small rural town in Southwestern Utah to search the hills surrounding Parowan, Utah for a militia to join. The area they chose seemed to be the ideal place to find a band of camouflage clad, gun toting hillbillies that shared the boys’ negative view of the ever-enlarging Federal Government. The young men chose well, for those very hills were indeed crawling with unwashed militiamen, but for as much as the AoE’s founders wanted to be apart of a militia, the Parowan militiamen were equally adamant about the boys getting “the hell out these dadgum hills.” And left they did, before the hillbillies “sent them back to Uncle Sam with their asses full of lead.”

It seemed that for all their angst, they were missing, or rather not missing, an essential characteristic necessary for membership in a militia; that, of course, being teeth. Unfortunately for the boys, they had grown up accustom to brushing two to three times a day. While each of them had their own specific routine, they could all agree that a good brushing consisted of up and down strokes, back and forth strokes, and certainly a fair bit of circular motion cresting and dipping at the respective gum lines. It must have been quite a shock for the Parowan militiamen to see three sets of brilliantly white gleaming teeth reflecting the horror that was the rot and decay of the hillbillies’ mouths. Perhaps it was jealousy or simply mistrust of those with clean, healthy teeth, but whatever the case, it seemed to be a pandemic of militiamen in rural places across this great land. 

The boys left Parowan in search of another militia to call their own, but every time they came across another militia, the response was the same. The greetings from the militiamen they encountered on their quest ranged from simple hostility to hellish rage. After one such encounter, the boys spent a week picking bird shot from one another’s buttocks. At one point, the boys even considered pulling a few of their own teeth and taking a few days off from brushing; but in the end, reason prevailed and they decided against defacing the teeth they had spent so many years caring for and polishing to perfection.

These young men, the outcasts of outcasts as they were, were left with only one way to release their pent up aggression; that of course being to start their own militia. Their militia was to be the militia for the rest of us, those with good teeth and bad teeth alike, hapless layabouts, and even those with college learning. In 1980, these three brave young men started, what truly was, the anti-militia militia.

To this day we still hold true to the vision of Barnaby Jensen, Dixie Larkin, and Frank Stahlie. We hold fast to the belief that good dental hygiene should be rewarded, not despised. We believe that the government is too large and too flippant with their destruction of the Bill of Rights. We look to the past to seek wisdom for facing the future, and we stand ready, toothbrushes and all, to defend the spirit that guided the foundation of this once great county.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Perez Hilton to Regulate Bloggers

Report by Antonio Soto, TX Chapter

[Editor’s Note: In an effort to abide by newly appointed Blogosphere Czar, Perez Hilton’s recent mandate that any blog articles that might be construed as “hate speech, such as racist, homophobic, and/or psuedo-puritanical Conservative bull[crap] must include an opportunity for response by an individual who voted for and supports the heroic efforts of President Barack Obama,” the AoE invited comedian and liberal political activist Janeane Garofalo to provide such a response.]

Just minutes after President Obama named gossip queen, Perez Hilton, to the newly created post of Blogosphere Czar, Hilton, who garnered national attention for his politically motivated question to Miss USA contestant Carrie Prejean about gay marriage, announced that “the fairness doctrine would be applied to blogs to correct an ongoing problem of conservative bias with hundreds of the millions of blogs originating within the United States.”  Hilton, who continued by slapping his own ass and making an obscene gesture with his fingers, shouted, “I’m going to shut you ignorant, queer-hating, bee-itches down.”  

Garofalo:  “Here’s a better headline: ‘George Bush is an idiot!’” 

While many politically conservative and independent bloggers were alarmed by the news that blog content would now be regulated by an individual who clearly opposes any statements that are not consistent with an extremely liberal platform, President Obama reassured the public by saying, “Miss ... ter Hilton has shown courage and integrity through ... [indecipherable] use of electronic media, ... this individual, I believe, embodies the experience and character to guide this nation’s bloggers into a new electronic era.”

Garofalo:  “George W. Bush makes Perez Hilton look like a [fornicating] genius!”

According to Obama’s Executive Order 13512 which created the Blogosphere Czar position, Hilton may now promulgate any regulations upon bloggers that he sees fit “in order to ensure domestic tranquility and positive dialog via electronic media.”  Such an open-ended mandate allows Hilton to restrict what he called, “the ignorant, subversive ramblings of the Right,” despite calls from many bloggers that such restrictions and regulations will violate their Constitutional Freedom of Speech.

Garofalo:  “If stupidity is protected by the Constitution, then we should get rid of it ...”

[Editor’s Note: Special thanks to Janeane Garofalo for her insightful and eloquent responses.]

Monday, July 13, 2009

Order of the Epiphenomenon Accepting New Members

Announcement by Dixie Larkin, AoE Founding Member

Attention Cadets!

The Order of the Epiphenomenon (OOTE), the exclusive secret society of the Army of Epiphenomenon, is opening its private doors to 250 new recruits this year to celebrate 10 years since the inception of the OOTE.  This is an excellent opportunity for AoE members to ante up and join the select few who have dedicated their lives to upholding freedom and liberty by exposing and otherwise fighting the tyranny wrought by the evil Progressive/Neocons who hold this country in their dastardly clutches.

For just $250.00 (US), AoE members can apply for membership to the OOTE.  Successful applicants will receive this handsome patch (right) to adorn their favorite article of clothing, a complimentary one year subscription to the Official Semi-Sporadic AoE Newsletter which includes articles and commentary not available via the Official AoE Website, and dinner for two at the Order of the Epiphenomenon 10 year Gala, to be held in October at an undisclosed location.  All of this, plus myriad OOTE benefits that cannot be revealed here, because, after all, it is a secret society.

Those wishing to apply to the Order of the Epiphenomenon should use the email icon (top left) and put “OOTE Recruitment” in the subject line.  Each email should include:

Your name and contact information

How long you’ve been a member of the AoE and to which Chapter you belong

A brief essay (approx. 10,000 words) about why you should be admitted into the OOTE

Upon receipt of such an email, directions for submitting payment will be sent to you via return email, so please use an email address that you check often.  If you would rather receive correspondence via the USPS please indicate that in the email.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Administration to Apply Affirmative Action to Camping

Report by Gregg Childress, CO Chapter

Each year millions of Americans take to the great outdoors to enjoy a weekend of camping with friends and family. In the past, those millions of Americans have been almost exclusively White. President Obama, in a speech announcing the assent of former White House correspondent Helen Thomas to the newly created post of Camping Czar, said, “In this exciting new era of change, we must change how we view camping, and encourage people of all colors and creeds to explore and enjoy the vast opportunities camping has to offer. I believe Helen Thomas is just the person to guide this country into the new integrated camping millennium.

The 88 year-old Thomas, who has never actually done any camping herself, but has on several occasions been to Camp David to cover peace talks, announced that her first official act as Camping Czar would be to mandate that 10 percent of camping sites in every campground in the U.S. be reserved for minority campers. Campground operators across the country were outraged by the news, claiming it would cost them thousands each year in lost revenue as 9.99 percent of their campsites would remain vacant despite the demand by White campers.

Larry Smith, an avid White camper from Glenwood Springs, CO, complained, “There aren’t enough campsites as it is. Besides, camping and hockey are the only sports that Whites still dominate, so now what are [Whites] supposed to do during the summer?.” Other White campers such as David Newberger of Tennessee have already began thinking of ways around the upcoming regulation. “I know a guy that works with a Black guy,” said Newberger, “I’ll ask him if he can talk the Black guy into going camping with me. That way, I’ll get a campsite guaranteed!”

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Elementary School Memorializes Michael Jackson

Report by Sandra Moorehead, CA Chapter

An upscale private elementary school in Los Angeles changed it’s name over the weekend to honor the memory of the King of Pop.  Michael Jackson Memorial Elementary, formally Huffington Elementary, is a very exclusive K-6 school catering to mainly well-to-do White children from the Brentwood District of LA.  Jackson, who up until a few years ago, was fond of visiting the school.  The visits were a thrill for most of the students, although some, inexplicably, recoiled and hid whenever the pop star would arrive.  “Michael was great with the kids,” revealed Headmaster Sylvia Johnson-Vehdruara.  “He loved to help out with boys PE, teaching wrestling, and instructing the boys on the more intimate details of personal grooming in the locker room after activities.”

Monday morning before the start of classes, the school held a ribbon cutting ceremony, revealing a new school sign which reads, “Michael Jackson Memorial Elementary.  Touching Children One Life at a Time.”  Headmaster Johnson-Vehdruara spoke briefly, announcing, “In the spirit of our namesake (Jackson), we will focus on developing special relationships with children through one-on-one interaction.”

President Obama to Twitter Executive Orders

Report by Harold Nickelson, MA Chapter

In an effort to reach out to the American people, while at the same time promulgating an exhaustive list of upcoming Executive Orders, Barack Obama has decided to utilize the social networking tool Twitter to accomplish these goals.  Much like the sport of golf, which Obama plays in order to stay in touch with “the common people”, the President hopes that his use of Twitter will cement his relationship with the hardworking folk that make up the backbone of this country.

“Twitter is the new water cooler at the office,” said Obama (pictured left texting updates to Twitter) at recent press conference, “I want to stand around the water cooler with Jack and Jill Lunchpale, much as I stroll the fairways with them and share a firm slap on the ass after a birdie putt.”  This despite the fact that most middle and lower class workers neither Twitter nor can afford to play golf.

Among the first Executive Orders that Obama will be Twittering is E.O. 13510, which mandates that all Americans seeking to purchase a vehicle must at least test drive a new 2010 Chevy B.H.O. or GMC Hope prior to making a purchase.  Also, reports indicate that Obama will also be limiting blogs focused on cats as early as Monday of this week.  Obama’s Executive Orders can be followed at https://twitter.com/ExecutiveOrders.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hate Crimes Spike as “Tolerant” Liberals Lash Out Against Christians

Report by Rev. Hank Halbrook, WI Chapter

While the national media is reporting a 53% increase in incidences of hate crimes this year, the fastest growing category of victims is being decidedly underreported.  Very often, crimes like the Colorado murder of Angie Zapata by Allen Ray Andrade who was shocked when he found male genitalia as he preparing to get his groove on, make the news, while attacks on Christian Fundamentalists goes unreported.  For instance, in March of this year, a group of vegan liberals attacked and killed a Christian immigrant hot dog vender in Columbus, Ohio; in April, a band of Gothic youths stormed a Christian youth group meeting in a church in Albany, NY, raping the girls and castrating the young males; In May, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, shot two Arkansas based Christian U.S. Army recruiters, killing one; earlier this month, a group of Young Democrats from the University of Utah burst into a student-led girls Bible Study and attempted to “beat the hate out of” a group young Evangelical college students.  Three of the eight college coeds were hospitalized from the attack.  In each of these cases, no mention was made by the national media.

In an era where many of the more radical politically left are demanding tolerance and diversity, increasingly, those same liberals are seemingly more inclined to use violence against Christian Conservatives to get their point across.  In a February incident, a group of liberal activists attacked an elderly church group involved in a peaceful hymn-sing.  The liberal youths were heard shouting “die you hate-mongering [expletives]!” and “Burn to Hell you close-minded, bigots!” as the senior citizens’ brittle bones were crushed beneath the torrent of young, liberal fists.  Despite the rhetoric spewed by the liberal national media about narrow-minded Conservative Christians being to blame for virtually all hate crimes, the incidents of hate crimes aimed at Christians has risen an astonishing 250 percent over this same time period just a year ago.