Scholars at UC Davis made a startling discovery last month when they stumbled upon documents indicating that North Dakota, a strip of land occupying 70,762 square miles directly between Canada and South Dakota, is part of the United States. The news came as a shock to virtually everyone ... everyone except for the nearly 1400 residents of the State. Roger Martin, Dean of American Studies at UC Davis, announcing the find at a recent press conference, said, “We have uncovered definitive proof that North Dakota is indeed the lost State.”

While most Americans believed that Puerto Rico rounded out the 50 states that make up the US, North Dakota was actually admitted into the Union on November 2, 1889, as the 39th state. ND Governor John Hoeven responded to news of the discovery by saying, “What the Hell ... you really forgot about us?” Adding, “that explains the total lack of tourism over the past 50 years.”
In response to the discovery, North Dakota is embarking on a large scale public awareness campaign, including tagging welcome signs with the new state motto “Still part of the United States” and mass mailing post cards to US residents inviting them to visit a state that dares to feature milk as the State beverage.
Those fools!!
I'd give anything for the US to lose Idaho.
Who? What?
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