AoE Newsletter Issue #92 (Dec. 1998) reported that after disappearing for just over a week, Secretary of Defense Cohen returned, a bit embarrassed, to Washington DC from a clothing-optional compound in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
Report by John Weinstein, FL Chapter
William Sebastian Cohen, the Republican Secretary of Defense serving under President Clinton since 1997 , departed from his Arlington, VA home ten days ago, leaving only a note. Addressed only to “My beloved wife, Janet Langhart, and Mr. President,” the note described Cohen’s intention to leave mainstream political life in favor of the secluded life of a commune in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The note stated that Cohen wanted to get closer to God and felt that he would be most able to accomplish that in the “U.P.” because of its “long association with the phrase ‘God’s Country.’”
Cohen, who had been wrestling with a slight cold in the days prior to his disappearance, attributed the episode to an overindulgence of over-the-counter cold medicine. In a statement released to the press, Cohen said, “It turns out I just took too much Robitussin. For the record, I don’t want to live in the Upper Peninsula, nor have interest in referring to it as the ‘U.P.’”
What Cohen thought was a commune turned out to be a nudist colony. In addition to it not being a spiritually oriented commune,” the statement revealed, “the cold temperatures made [Cohen] self-conscious about strutting around naked.”
Cohen’s statement went on to say that when the cold symptoms subsided and he stopped taking Robitussin, he realized the folly of his actions, stating, “I guess they say not to exceed six doses in a 24 hour period for a reason.”
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