Reports surfaced in Washington alleging that Congresspersons have been engaging in inappropriate and often illegal sexual relations with House and Senate pages. The pages, who must be 16 or 17 year old High School juniors, are generally regarded as holding the most prestigious posts available to young Americans and typically begins a lifelong career in public service.

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) has recently been accused of engaging in illicit relations with several of the Senate pages and rumors have surface that such activity is widespread amongst members of both the House and Senate. Sally Wentworth, the mother of one of the pages linked to Boxer, allegedly found text messages on her son’s cell phone directing the youth to various broom closets around Capital Hill for “private meetings”. Boxer, pictured here responding to congratulations from a Senate colleague on a recent conquest, addressed the allegations by saying the practice is “merely harmless hazing” and has been common practice on Capital Hill for over 100 years. Boxer continued by saying that “getting a piece of that page action is considered a right of office,” and that, “most Congresspersons make a game of it by collecting notches on their congressional bedposts just as a child might collect baseball cards.” Boxer even implicated Sen. Barack Obama, saying the freshman Senator and Presidential hopeful has collected over 40 such notches since his first term began. “Nobody has had a rookie season like that since Ted Kennedy first shadowed the Hill.”
1 comment:
Is this true? There are no sources quoted. What is this?
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