Snack cake lobbyist and long-time DC insider, Twinkie the Kid, appeared on Larry King Live Friday night to discuss growing concerns over sexual and fiscal transgressions committed by our nation’s lawmakers. Twinkie, who’s name has repeatedly splashed across headlines in recent months for his own romantic relationships with members of Congress shed much light on the carefree orgy that has enveloped Capital Hill.
Asked by King whether the sexual abandon that characterizes Washington is a recent phenomenon, Twinkie responded, “Washington, since at least the time of Kennedy has been experiencing a sort of sexual renaissance.” It’s funny that many people use the phrase ‘so-and-so politician is in bed with this-or-that corporation’ not knowing that it is generally true literally as well as figuratively.”

King went on to explore the nature of how budgeting decisions are made. Twinkie suggested that one need only “follow the money” to understand the process. “It is often difficult to follow though, and purposely so. What generally happens is that ABC corporation will give money to XYZ’s campaign or promise a future position on the Board of the ABC with generous stock options, in return XYZ will vote to give a lucrative contract to ABC. Take Hillary for example, Wal-Mart gave her a seat on it’s Board, she had no real responsibility, in fact I’d be surprised if she ever attended a meeting, but she was paid handsomely. In return Hillary promised future votes to keep minimum wages low and carve out exceptions that Wal-Mart has successfully used to pay its employees next to nothing."
1 comment:
I have been waiting quite impatiently for TTK's sex tapes to be released - any ideas when that will happen?
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