Following a disappointing primary season for Hillary Clinton, the former candidate announced today that she would be turning her attention away from politics for a while, and toward her little-known passion for fashion. Clinton, who has long held a fondness for the “comfort and simple elegance of polyester” announced yesterday that she would be launching her own line of clothing with a focus on her favorite fabric. Revealing the handle for her new line, White Trash Fashion, Hillary exclaimed, “We are going to do things with polyester that have here-to-now been unimagined.”
Asked if a nod from Obama would change her plans, Hillary responded by saying, “If selected by Obama to be his running mate, I’ll take it, we’ll beat McCain, and after the election I’ll have that son-of-a-bitch Barack killed so I can take my rightful position as President of the United States!”
Do you know what WTF means?
I L-O-V-E polyester! Its like Hillary and I think alike - like blood sisters!!! I wonder if she likes to steal furniture out of the white house too?
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